Children Ministry

a. Starting April 1, the Pastor Tim will send a daily messages or prayers through the MCCC Kids Corner Facebook page to keep connecting with our children until returning to our normal gathering. Parent may access to the following Facebook page with their children for the messages and interact with Pastor Tim. Parents may also…


於本週4月10日(週五)早上10時30分播放。請弟兄 姊妹屆時鏈接至教會的頻道。


教會於每週六晚在網上www.mccc.on.ca公佈 各堂頻道的鏈接線,弟兄姊妹可在家中一起敬拜,時間安排如 下– 粵語堂早上9:30、英語堂及兒童信息早上10:30、國語堂早 上11:30