a. Rev. Vincent Lee will be on sick leave on January 9th -12th, 2018. b. Pastor Josiah Tse will be on holiday on January 9th – 16th, 2018.
a. Rev. Vincent Lee will be on sick leave on January 9th -12th, 2018. b. Pastor Josiah Tse will be on holiday on January 9th – 16th, 2018.
下主日(14 日)為美堅堂成立31 週年,亦為堂慶 培靈主日,請兄姊同來感謝主恩。
a. 就職禮:粵語堂將於下主日在崇拜中舉行堂委就職禮,求主賜福使用 他們的事奉。 b. 祈禱會:本週三(1月3日)晚上7:30舉行,將由李牧師負責領詩及分享 代禱事項。