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a. ECB will meet on June 15th (next Sunday) at 4:00 pm in Room 101.
All co-workers please attend.
b. Special AGM – MCCC will be holding a special AGM on June 22
(Sunday) to approve the following 2 motions. The membership list is
posted on the bulletin board opposite to the church office. If there is
any question, please speak to Sam Cheung, our church secretary.
1/ Continuing the Church under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporation
a/ The executive church board of the Church are hereby authorized
and directed to make an application under section 297 of the
CNCA to Industry Canada for a Certificate of Continuance of the
b/ The Articles of Continuance (transition) of the Church are hereby
c/ The General Operating By-law No. 1 and By-law No. 2 of the
Church (as amended) is repealed and the new General
Operating By-law No. 3 is approved to be effective on the date
that the Church continues under the CNCA;
d/ In the event that minor amendments are required to be made to
the provisions contained within the Articles of Continuance
(transition) or By-law No. 3, any one of the officers or executive
church board members of the Church is hereby authorized to
make such minor amendments as may be necessary, subject to
first obtaining advice from legal counsel for the Church; and
e/ Any one of the officers and executive church board members of
the Church is authorized to take all such actions and execute and
deliver all such documentation which are necessary or desirable
for the implementation of this resolution.
2/ Authorize the ECB to change the use of leftover funds from the
2006 Short Term Mission Trip to Finland, in the amount of $3,798,
for ministries related to evangelism and outreach purposes.
– There will be Pre-AGM Briefing and Information Sessions: June 8
from 1-2pm and 4-5pm.
– A simple majority of the regular members shall constitute a quorum.
At least a 2/3 approval from the members present is required for the
AGM items to be passed. MCCC Members are strongly encouraged
to vote on both items.
– There would be a regular AGM meeting in the sanctuary on the
main floor at 4 pm on June 22, where we will accept the results of
the voting. Therefore, if you choose to vote after service on that
morning, you do not need to attend this meeting.