a. ECB Meeting: ECB will meet on October 18th (Saturday) at 1:00 pm in
Room 101 to discuss the 2015 Budget. All co-workers please attend.
b. Membership Application: We like to welcome Kinson Chan (陳建生)
from Mandarin Congregation as member of MCCC.
c. MCCC English Name Change & Mandarin PM Service 2nd
Anniversary Thanksgiving Celebration: MCCC will celebrate the
changing of our English name to “Milliken Christian Community
Church” today (Thanksgiving long weekend). A special celebration
luncheon will be held in the GSCC Fellowship Hall at 12:45 pm.
Those who bought the tickets, please come on time.
d. English Pastor Search: Our church is searching for a English pastor
to pastor the English congregation. Anyone interested please send
your resume to mccc.engpastorsearch@gmail.com, or mail to the
church, attn.: English Pastoral Hiring Committee. More detail is
posted on the bulletin board outside the church office.
ECB News
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