Minutes for October 19, 2014:
a. The 2015 Church Budget has been approved by the ECB.(see insert)
b. AGM to Approve 2015 Church Budget:
– The voting session has been moved from November 30 to November
23. Voting will be held after each worship service. A membership
meeting to approve minutes of previous membership meeting and
accept results of voting will take place at 4:00pm in the Main
– There will be 2 pre-AGM information sessions for the 2015 budget.
– 1st is for Cantonese (early morning and morning) and English
services, held at 11:00 am to 11:30 am in Room 101, Nov 9 in
– 2nd session for Cantonese PM and Mandarin (Morning and
Afternoon) services, 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm in Chapel, Nov 16 in
c. English Pastor Search: Our church is searching for an English Pastor
to pastor the English congregation. Anyone interested please send
your resume to mccc.engpastorsearch@gmail.com, or mail to the
church, attn.: English Pastoral Hiring Committee. More detail is
posted on the bulletin board outside the church office.
d. Rules regarding reimbursement claim forms:
– If a reimbursement form is claiming an amount over $300, offering
counters should not pay in cash. Please submit the claim to the
– Reimbursement forms should be approved by the congregational
treasurer (for congregational budget) or the department head (for
church budget items)
– Claim forms should not be signed by the person who is making the
e. MCCC is endorsing ACEM’s support to Tyndale Seminary’s Local
Outreach team. This is to support two student Local Outreach
Coordinators for one year. For more information please see the
Missions bulletin board.
f. Thank you to all brothers and sisters for your cooperation in the fire
drill on Sunday, and sorry for any inconvenience caused by the fire
drill. Special thanks to the fire wardens who volunteered from each
ECB News Flash
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