a. ACEM 36th Missions Conference (October 16-26)
˙Theme: ALL IN, FOR HIM.
˙Missions Prayer Guide: Please take a copy from the magazine rack
and pray for the missionaries.
˙Please put your Faith Commitment Card & Mission Prayer Card in
the drop box at the entrance of the Chapel.
b. STM to Cambodia and Myanmar (November 2-25, 2014): The team
lead for this trip is Pastor Teresa Tong. Members from MCCC are Rev.
Luke Xie, Rebecca Lee, Steve Chao, Juliana Wan, Jennifer Wan,
Sabrina Ngai and Fanny Luk. Their ministry includes teaching children,
training Christian youths, visiting missionaries, visiting churches and
gospel organizations. Pray that the Lord will strengthen and protect
the team, and for their team unity.
c. Fund Raising: The Cambodia/Myanmar short term mission team
thanks MCCC brothers & sisters for supporting the fund raising event
last weeks. A total of $3,613.25 was raised (after expense). All
proceeds will be used for local ministries in Cambodia/Myanmar.
Missions Department
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