a. AGM: It will be held on May 24th at the church.
– Motions: 1/ Approve auditor’s 2014 Financial Report. 2/ Appoint Mr.
Timothy Cheng to be church’s auditor for 2015. 3/ Deacons Election
for 2016-2017
– The AGM meeting will be held in the sanctuary on the main floor at
4:00 pm. If you do not have time to attend this meeting, you can
choose to vote after service. A simple majority of the regular members
shall constitute a quorum. At least a 2/3 approval from the members
present is required for the AGM items to be passed. MCCC Members
are strongly encouraged to vote on that day.
– The membership list is posted on the bulletin board opposite to the
church office. If there is any question, please speak to Sam Cheung,
our church secretary.
b. Minutes for April 26, 2015:
– The ECB has approved MCCC’s 2014 Financial Statement and
Auditor’s Report, and has adopted Mr. Timothy Cheng to act as the
church’s auditor for 2015. The financial statement and auditor’s report
are posted to the bulletin board today for viewing.
There will be two information sessions for deacons to answer
questions regarding the financial statement before approval at the
AGM on May 24, 2015:
May 10 11:00-11:30 am in Room 101
May 17 1:00-1:30 pm in Room 101
– A special collection will be made starting Sunday, May 3 for two
consecutive Sundays for donation to Nepal earthquake relief work
through World Vision Canada. Envelopes from World Vision Canada
will be inserted into the Sundaybulletin for the 2 weeks. The offering
for earthquake relief will be separated from regular church collection.
Please write down your name & address on the World Vision
Canada’s envelope if you want to receive the donation receipt.
c. Minutes for May 3, 2015:
– In accordance with Ontario labour legislation, the ECB has approved
an Anti-Violence, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy for
church staff, effective May 3, 2015.
– Due to MCCC Church Summer Camp in Oshawa on June 26-28, there
will be no children’s program at MCCC on Sunday, June 28.
– A number of tickets have been reserved for MCCC to the “Dare to
Dream… Build to Bless” fundraising concert for 105 Gibson Centre and
Tyndale University’s Rev. Kao Global Leadership Study Centre on July
4 at TCCC and July 5 at RHCCC. MCCC allotted tickets for each night
are $20 each. Please contact Deacon Irene Cheung to purchase
tickets. There is also a fund raising dinner held at TCCC on July 3, the
allotted tickets have all been sold.
– As the government has approved a grant for one summer student,
Zian’s summer position will be funded by this grant. ECB has
approved to hire a second summer student for 5 weeks from early July
to early August. If any university or college student is interested,
please send your resume to Pastor Tim on or before May 24th.
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