a. ECB will meet on June 14th (next Sunday) at 4:00 pm in Room 101.
All co-workers please attend.
b. Membership Meeting: 181 members voted during the AGM (59% of
MCCC’s members) on May 24th. All motions (Acceptance of the 2014
audited Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report, appointment of
Timothy Cheng as the church auditor for 2015, electing Chris Cheng,
Sam Watt, Laura Chang, Guo Jian Cai and Wilson Young to be
deacons for 2016-17) have been approved.
c. MCCC will be contributing to the construction of the John Kao Global
Leadership Study Centre at Tyndale Seminary & University. A special
offering will be collected on June 7 (today) to contribute to the
construction funding. Please write your cheque payable to “Tyndale
University and Seminary”. Using the Tyndale offering envelopes,
please write your name, address and phone number so that receipts
can be mailed to you.
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