(January 16th, 2018):
a. 2019-20 Deacon Candidate Nomination – The ECB has approved a list of
deacon candidate nominees for each congregation. The congregational
pastors will contact each nominee regarding their intent to stand for election.
b. Membership Applications – ECB has accepted the application for membership
of Milliken CCC from Cantonese Congregation: Shen Pei Lan (沈佩蘭) and
Wong Yuet Hung (黃月紅). If there is question concerning their applications,
please write to ECB delivered through the pastors or deacons before March
11th, 2018.
3. Ordination of Pastor Tim Yuen – ACEM Council has approved the request
submitted by MCCC ECB for the ordination of Pastor Tim Yuen.
4. Sorting of Garbage and Placing into Correct Bins – Brothers and Sisters are
reminded to sort all garbage and place them into the correct bins.
ECB News Flash
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