a. A special collection to raise funds to support education of poor teenage girls
in slum area in Uganda through GO International will be held on 2 Sundays
(April 15 and April 22). If you are touched to make donation, please ask
usher for a GOI envelope and mark clearly that it is for supporting Uganda
orphans with also your name and address for tax receipt.
b. Madagascar STM: The STM trip to Madagascar in eastern Africa will be
held from September 17th to October 1st, 2018. The ministries include
gospel meeting, discipleship training and visitation. Language is
Mandarin/Cantonese. The cost is approximately CAD 2900 (including return
ticket, room and board), Please speak to Rev. Andy Wong if you are
interested. To apply for ACEM subsidy, please submit your fully completed
application form, along with pastoral recommendation, to Isabella Wong by
May 1st. Application form can be downloaded from www.acem.ca
c. Indonesia STM: We are looking for 2-3 brothers or sisters with willing
hearts to go into Indonesian village for two weeks in October to help build
home for our missionary family, the Yoon’s. Prayer support also needed.
Cost is about $2900 CAD. ACEM subsidy is available and deadline for
submitting the application form is by May 1st. Please contact Jerrold Wen for
more details.
Missions Department
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