(May 15th, 2018):
a. Membership Meeting (May 13): 160 members participated in the voting
during the membership meeting (60.2% of all church members). All motions
(election of Irene Cheung, Rossana Wong, Sheila Xu, Steve Chao as
deacons for 2019-20, approval of MCCC 2017 audited Financial
Statements, appointment of Cheng and Chui LLP to audit Financial
Statements for 2018, and approval of MCCC Annual Report for 2017) have
been accepted.
b. Pastor Jiade Chen has been renewed as voluntary pastor for Mandarin
Congregation for 1-year period from June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019.
c. Canada Day Outreach Event: Will be held on Sunday, July 1 between
3:00-7:00pm. A planning committee led by Mandarin Congregation with
representatives from Cantonese and English congregations has been
d. Church Communications Platform: You can now use SMS, Wechat or
WhatsApp to check church news or events using our number 437-988-
1886. The church will use these platforms to communicate closing of the
church during severe weather or dangerous conditions.
e. Prayer Meeting for Ontario and Canada: A non-partisan prayer meeting
to intercede for Ontario and Canada during the time of the Ontario provincial
elections will be held at Richmond Hill Christian Community Church on
Sunday, June 3 from 7:30-9:15pm. All brothers and sisters are encouraged
to attend.
f. Missions:
i/. The ECB has approved a short term mission trip to First Nations
ministries in Thunder Bay. The trip will be from August 12 to 19 and will
be co-led by Rev. Vincent Lee and Pastor Josiah Tse.
ii/ The ECB has approved use of ACEM Mission Fund Rebate to MCCC for
the following:
$500 to Bible League Canada for church planting ministry training use
$500 to support Chinese Christian library in Germany
ECB News Flash
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