(June 26th, 2018):
a. a. A planning committee has been formed for the celebration banquet for
Pastor Tim Yuen’s ordination. Deaconess Ophelia Lau is the convener.
b. 2019 Budget – The deadline for all ministries and departments to submit
budget plans to Deacon Chris Cheng (ECB Treasurer) for the 2019 church
budget is August 27.
c. Membership Application – Kathy Yuen (吳婉菁) from English congregation
is applying for membership. If you have any comment, please send it to Rev.
Vincent Lee by July 15th, 2018.
d. Celebrate Canada : All brothers and sisters are encouraged to stay behind
at church today to join the Canada Day community outreach event between
3:00-7:00 pm in the church parking lot.
ECB News Flash
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