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a. New Membership: We like to welcome Kathy Yuen (吳婉菁) from English
congregation as member of MCCC. Pray that she will continue to grow in
the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and will bear much fruit for the
glory of God.
b. News Flash (July 17th, 2018):
1/ Celebrate Canada Outreach Event – Special thanks to brothers and sisters
from all congregations who volunteered in the Celebrate Canada event on
Sunday July 1!
2/ Celebration Banquet for Pastor Tim Yuen’s Ordination – Will be held on the
evening of Saturday December 15 at Royale Fine Dining and Banquet (皇
家御宴) at Steeles and Silver Star Blvd. Tickets will be $40 each (same
price for adults and children). Ticket sales will begin on August 5.
3/ 2019 Church Budget – Reminder to all congregation ministry committees
and departments to submit 2019 budget plans to Chris Cheng (ECB
Treasurer) by August 27.
4/ There will be a CCIC (恩福) Seminar (Studying the Book of Psalms) in the
Main Sanctuary on September 15, 22 and 29 from 9 am to 4 pm
5/ Myanmar STM team will be holding a fundraising sale on Sunday,
November 4 in the church to support children ministry work in the STM.