a. STM to Indonesia: Stanley Hum, J&A from English
congregation left for Indonesia last week. They will be back on November
3. Please continue to remember them in your prayer.
b. STM to Myanmar/Cambodia:
June Cheng and Juliana Wen from Cantonese congregation will go to
Myanmar for STM on November 16-28. Juliana will continue the trip to
Cambodia until December 7. Pastor Teresa Tong will lead the team and
there are nine other members from RHCCC. Please pray for them.
A Fund Raising will be held on November 4. It is all for the support of
children ministry of the local churches. This event will take place in
Room B10 in the basement. The time slots are 10:45-11:15 am & 12:30-
1:00 pm.
Missions Department
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