a. ECB Meeting: ECB will meet on November 18 (Sunday) at 4:30 pm in
Room 101. All ECB members please attend.
b. News Flash: (Minutes for October 30, 2018)
1/ Membership Meeting: The AGM to approve 2019 MCCC’s budget will be
held on November 18 (Sunday). The voting motion is as follows:
General Operations $ 846,226.28
Building Operation —
Building Expansion Fund Pledge $ 50,000.00
Total Budget $ 896,226.28
2/ Membership Application: Miss Rachel Cheng (鄭天予) from English
congregation is applying for membership. If there is any concern
regarding the application, please write to ECB delivered through pastors
or deacons by November 18, 2018.
3/ Mandarin Pastoral Staff Arrangement: Effective January 1, 2019, Rev.
Luke Xie will transition into the role of Lead Pastor for Mandarin
Congregation, while Rev. John Hua and Pastor Jiade Chen will continue
to serve as pastors in Mandarin Congregation.
4/ 40 Days of Prayer: Congregational pastors will begin to recruit leaders
for cell groups for 40 Days of Prayer program in 2019. Training for cell
group leaders will begin in January 2019. Details for the recruitment will
be announced later.
c. Membership List: The membership list is posted on the bulletin board
opposite to the church office. Please speak to Sam Cheung, our church
secretary, if there is any question.
d. 2019 budget information session: It will be held in Room B9 from 12:30
pm to 1:00 pm on November 11, today.
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