a. News Flash (Minutes for November 18, 2018).
1/ Membership Meeting: 135 members (52.12% of the church
membership) voted in the Membership Meeting on November 18.
The 2019 Church Budget was approved by the membership during
the meeting.
2/ Pastor Timothy Yuen Ordination (December 15, Saturday)
˙Ordination Service: The ordination service for Pastor Tim will
take place from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the GSCC Sanctuary,
followed by refreshments in MCCC Room B10. All brothers and
sisters are encouraged to attend to support Pastor Tim.
˙Ordination Celebration Banquet: The banquet will be held at
Royale Fine Dining Banquet 皇家御宴(648 Silver Star Blvd,
Scarborough) from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Brothers and sisters who
have purchased tickets are reminded to attend.
3/ Church Repainting Project: The project to repaint walls in the
church is ongoing. The church would like to appreciate the Toronto
Youth Jobs Corp and supervisor John Graham for their good work.
b. New Membership: We would like to welcome Rachel Cheng (鄭天予)
from English congregation as member of MCCC. Pray that she will
continue to grow in the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
will bear much fruit for the glory of God.
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