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a. ECB will meet on this Tuesday, December 4, at 7:00 pm in Room 101.
All ECB members please attend.
b. News Flash (Minutes for November 18, 2018).
1/ Membership Meeting: 135 members (52.12% of the church
membership) voted in the Membership Meeting on November 18.
The 2019 Church Budget was approved by the membership during
the meeting.
2/ Pastor Timothy Yuen Ordination (December 15, Saturday)
˙Ordination Service: The ordination service for Pastor Tim will
take place from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the GSCC Sanctuary,
followed by refreshments in MCCC Room B10. All brothers and
sisters are encouraged to attend to support Pastor Tim.
˙Ordination Celebration Banquet: The banquet will be held at
Royale Fine Dining Banquet 皇家御宴(648 Silver Star Blvd,
Scarborough) from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Brothers and sisters who
have purchased tickets are reminded to attend.
3/ Church Repainting Project: The project to repaint walls in the
church is ongoing. The church would like to appreciate the Toronto
Youth Jobs Corp and supervisor John Graham for their good work.