ECB News ( Feb 15)
a. MCCC will re-open for in-person Sunday Worship starting on February 27. Brothers and sisters wishing to join in the in-person worship will need to register on Eventbrite between the Thursday and Saturday before the worship, or call the church office if not able to register online. Brothers and sisters unable to register for in-person worship can continue to join the worship virtually. All in-person worship attendees should arrive at church 15 minutes before the start of worship to receive health screening at the door.
b. Small groups and fellowships can hold in-person meetings in the Main Sanctuary, Basement Chapel or Room B10 starting Saturday, February 26. The room must be booked with the church office before the meeting. The fellowship/small group leader needs to register all attendees at the building entrance and do a health screening (temperature check not required). The sign-in sheet from the meeting needs to be submitted to the church office after the meeting.
c. In order to keep all spaces in the church clean, please do not bring any food or drinks into the church building.
d. The ECB has approved the list of nominations for 2023-24 Deacon Candidates. The congregational pastors will contact the nominees for their intention to stand for election.
e. Membership Applications: Mandarin Congregation – Zihao Han , Haihua Qi and Yuping Jiang. If you have any comments, please contact Rev. Luke Xie or other pastors before March 6.
f. Brothers and sisters who want to receive their 2021 offering receipts by email should email the following information to by Feb 27th 2022:
- offering number
- name
- address
- email address
g. Ms. Ka Man (Kaman) Cheng has been serving at the MCCC church office
as a part-time office clerical assistant since January 1, 2022 on a
6-month contract. We praise God and thank her for her ongoing help in
supporting the church’s administrative needs.