ECB News (March 15):
A. Updated rules for reopening of the church building:
For the protection of our brothers and sisters, we request all attendees of in-person Sunday Worship and other meetings at church to wear a face mask when in the church building after March 21, until further notice.
Attendees of in-person Sunday Worship will not need to pre-register after March 21. Attendees should do self-assessment of their health conditions before entering the church building. If you are experiencing COVID symptoms or are feeling unwell, please stay home and join the worship online.
B. Each church member who wants to participate in electronic voting in future MCCC membership meetings is required to have a unique email address that is not shared with another church member. If you have any questions or need help setting up an email account please contact your congregational pastor.
C. Mr. Zhang Jianning is resigning from his position of church custodian, effective March 31, 2022. We thank Mr. Zhang for keeping the church clean and in excellent sanitary condition during his time at MCCC, and we pray for God’s blessing to be upon him in the future.
D. Church is looking for a part-time (18 – 20 hours a week) custodian. The candidate must be available to work weekends and be a responsible person. Responsibilities include cleaning, general maintenance and venue set up. Please contact Pastor Tim Yuen or 416-498-3399
E. Retirement of Rev. John Hua – Rev. Hua’s last day of service at MCCC will be Sunday, April 24. A simple farewell party will be held at church on April 24 at 12:30pm to celebrate Rev. Hua’s
retirement. Brothers and sisters from all congregations are welcome to join.
F. Brothers and sisters are reminded that before removing church equipment for use outside of church property, the equipment must be checked out through the church office first.
G. The ECB has approved the following distribution of the 5% rebate to MCCC from the ACEM Mission Fund:
- $2,000 to Anton Lim (Power to Change)
- $2,000 to support Ukrainian refugees in Moldova through Partners International
H. Our church has now provided more ZOOM accounts in order to encourage
all Fellowships to participate in the 35th-anniversary reading program,
and also to strengthen bonding and mutual caring. Please book a time
slot with the Church office, especially during the period before MCCC is
fully reopened.