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ECB News Flash (June 21st )

a. The ECB has accepted the resignation of Pastor Jiade Chen as voluntary pastor of the Mandarin Congregation, effective Sunday, June 26. He will remain attending and serving in our Mandarin congregation. The ECB thanks Pastor Jiade for his service as voluntary pastor and we pray for blessings upon him and his family.

b. Canada Day Community Outreach – We thank God for the very successful Canada Day Celebration we had this past Friday. A great thank you and much appreciation to all of the brothers, sisters and volunteers who gave their time to set up and lead the festivities. We will continue to pray that God will use our church to be a loving and kind presence in this community. May God’s love continue to be made known amongst us as a whole church.

c. MCCC has hired four students (Adrienne Luong, Euan Ho, Jeffrey Zhu and Sherman Lee) to serve as assistants in MCCC’s Children Ministry for the summer until mid-August. Funding for our summer student hiring is provided by Canada Summer Jobs, a Government of Canada program. We pray that our summer students will be able to effectively serve the children of our community through their work at MCCC.