Special Membership Meeting

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Members can vote to approve the budget through electronic voting between Sunday, October 27 (Today) and Saturday, November 9 on Election Buddy. Members who have provided their emails for voting will receive invitations on Saturday, October 26. The mail-in voting sessions will be held on 3 Sundays (October 27, November 3, and November 10) after worship services in the main foyer.

MCCC Special Membership Meeting – A special membership meeting will be held on Sunday, November 10 at 2:30pm at church sanctuary for the approval of the 2025 church budget. The 2025 budget draft is now posted on the bulletin board in the hallway for viewing. The 2025 Budget consists of the General & Building Operations Fund of $871,087.77, Building Fund of $50,000, and the Total of $921,087.77.