
美堅贊助的阿富汗難民家庭母親Fatima 及五歲小兒Artin 和十三歲大兒子Enram 將於4月17日抵達多倫多,現正尋找租金較便宜及安全的一睡房單位,可向李師母聯絡;另外將於4月7日及14日兩個主日收集良好狀況的衣物及床上用品,詳細物品收集表已張貼在外廊的報告版上,兄姊可在項目欄上自行簽名認領所捐出的物品, 如有查詢,請聯絡張艷賢執事(Irene)

Afghan Family Sponsorship

Regarding the Afghan refugee family sponsored by MCCC, the mother Fatima and her two children (5-year-old son Artin and 13-year-old son Enram) will arrive in Toronto on April 17. They are looking for a safe one-bedroom unit at an affordable price. For details, please contact Mrs. May Lee. In addition, clothes and bedding in good…

