Children ministry

Christmas Shoebox: We will help collect the Shoebox again this year. The gifts will be shipped to third world children. Please obtain a Shoebox at downstairs hallway and return with $10 handling & shipping fees per box (or you may choose to donate online at to Room B5 no later than Nov 6th.

Yard Waste Bag Distribution

Our church has prepared Yard Waste Bags with our church logo for distribution to show our church’s care for the community. You can pick up some yard waste bags starting this Sunday and distribute to our neighbors living around our church.

Condo Board News

a. The Condo Board arranged a company to replace and upgrade of the parking lot lighting last week, the project including new lamp posts and timer. b. As in-person gatherings continue to increase at both churches, please be reminded to slow down and follow traffic directional arrows in the parking lot. c. A reminder that…