Hiring a part-time maintenance worker or a full-time custodian

a. A part-time maintenance worker, about 20 hours a week, responsible for daily maintenance and event preparation. Please contact Pastor Tim: mccc.timy@gmail.com b. A full-time custodian, 40 hours a week, responsible for daily maintenance, cleaning, event set up and booking arrangement. Please contact Pastor Tim: mccc.timy@gmail.com

Children Ministry

a. Free Afterschool English Class: Date: March 30 – June 1 (Every Thursday) Time: 3:45pm – 5:30pm Targets: Grade 1-6 students Gr.1 – 3: Reading, comprehension, vocabulary, writing sentences/ paragraphs/ short stories and listening. Gr.4 – 6: Assignments Tutoring **ELL Class is taught by a retired Ontario registered teacher, and the class is free to…

Syria/Turkey Earthquake Relief

We have set up a new project “Earthquake” for relief work in Syria and Turkey in the wake of the crisis. Families and children in Syria and Turkey are suffering more than ever due to the massive earthquake. Through our ministry partners, Go and Share Missions Canada has started providing emergency supplies such as blankets,…