The 2022 offering receipt has distributed or emailed to brothers and sisters. If you have not received, please contact Jonathan Yeung or email to
Weekly MCCC announcements from our bulletin.
The 2022 offering receipt has distributed or emailed to brothers and sisters. If you have not received, please contact Jonathan Yeung or email to
Please click on the below link to access the bulletin for the upcoming Sunday Worship:
a. 祈禱會: (每週四)晚上7:30開始,9時結束。深望大家都盡量來參加禱 告會,來敬拜親近神,也為弟兄姐妹們的需要代禱,為教會守望。 祈禱會鏈結︰ 會議 ID: 889 5330 3723 密碼: 789789 b. 國語堂早上11時15分的主日崇拜設Zoom平台直播,歡迎登入或崇拜 後登入YouTube 平台收看回放。 Zoom會議 ID: 868 6931 3460 密碼: 100100 YouTube: c. 2023年主日學已開課︰ 1) 信仰研討班 (上課地點︰B8室) 教師: 景宏源、陳佳德、洪静、斯静 會議 ID: 845 7072 3276 密碼: 123123 2) 新生命班 – 1 (上課地點:101室) 教師: 程粟一 會議 ID: 840 6135 5461 密碼: 112233 3)…