Street Outreach + Training

Street Outreach + Training January 21st 10:00am – 4:00pm The 411 Street Outreach Team and Kyle Balkissoon will lead anyone who’s interested in a street outreach training session and proceed downtown to pray and care for the homeless. Training will be at church and transportation will be carpool.


a. 教會的防盜保安錄影系統, 於2023年 1月1日正式啟用。 詳 情請與總務部查詢。 b. 教會清潔承包公司最近發現未經適當處理的新冠檢測試劑 垃圾, 這些垃圾會給教會內的環境帶來傳染風險。 為避免新冠傳播, 盼望兄姊在家中進行檢測。 如有必要在教會內進行檢測, 請保持個人距離及遵行多倫多市政府家居醫療廢物指引, 將已使用的檢測試劑垃圾, 放入密封的容器及膠袋內, 然後才放進室外的垃圾箱內。

GM News

a. The security video recording system is in operation from January 1st, 2023. Please contact General Management for any inquiry. b. The church’s cleaning contractor recently found disposal of used COVID test kits without proper treatment. These untreated wastes may cause health hazard to the church environment. To avoid the spread of COVID, brothers and…