Sunday Bulletin

Please click on the below link to access the bulletin for the upcoming Sunday Worship:


a. 祈禱會: (每週四)晚上7:30開始,9時結束。深望大家都盡量來參加禱告會,來敬拜親近神,也為弟兄姊妹們的需要代禱,為教會守望。 會議鏈結︰ 會議ID: 889 5330 3723 密碼: 789789 b. 國語堂早上11時15分的主日崇拜Zoom 平台直播,歡 迎登入以下鏈結参加崇拜及會後分組經文思考及問題探討。會議 ID: 868 6931 3460 密碼: 100100 崇拜後,講道內容會上載到YouTube 平台, 兄姊可鏈結至以下鏈結收看。

Children Ministry

a. Children’s Sunday School  9:15am (In person only in room B10)  11:15am (Zoom and In person class) Meeting ID: 880 2199 6139 Passcode: 111222 b. We are hiring a summer intern to help out the Children Ministry. Applicant should be entering first-year university/college or returning to university/college in September 2022. Please contact…