Church News

David Ng rested in the Lord’s arms on the morning of August 13 last Friday. The funeral service was held yesterday. Please pray for his family and friends during this time and praise God for the impact he had on MCCC. a. Pastor. Edmond Chung will be on holiday from August 20- 25 b. Rev….

Celebrate Canada Event

We will have a Celebrate Canada event on September 5th, 1:30pm to 3:30 pm at our church parking lot. We will have the stage for singing and praying. There are only 3 booths: – Photo booth – Craft booth for kids – Snack booth Everybody is welcome.

Restart of In-Person Sunday Worship

The church has started physical worship on Sundays: • Cantonese congregation: 9:15am (Sanctuary) <Max: 50 people> • Mandarin congregation: 11:15am (Sanctuary) <Max: 50 people> • English congregation: 11:15 am (Chapel) <Max: 18 people> Brothers and sisters who wish to participate in physical worship should register online and fill in the health declaration. If you cannot…