MCCC 35th Anniversary

Photo Wall: Brothers and sisters are encouraged to email memorable photos to the church office by December 19. It can be individual, family or group photos. Handmade crafts/art pieces are also welcome. Don’t forget to include words of love and thanksgiving to God and HIS church. Photos will be displayed on a wall. A digital…

MCCC Membership Meeting

MCCC membership voting results: (2021 November 21) 165 members participated in the November 21 Membership Meeting (69.92% of the church membership). The motions to approve: i) Accepted/Approved MCCC 2022 church budget ii) Accepted/Approved: “Resolution of the Members of Milliken Christian Community Church – Adoption of Amending By-Law No.4″: to allow holding members’ meetings by electronic…

In-Person Worship

The church will continue to use a hybrid in-person and live stream service format. Registration for in-person service will be available from Thursday 10 am to Saturday 12pm for the corresponding Sunday service (The below links are for next Sunday, each participant must register with his or her real name.)  Registering for English service…