In-Person Worship

Here is the information for the in-person services on Sunday: • Cantonese congregation: 9:15am (Sanctuary) <Max: 59 people> • Mandarin congregation: 11:15am (Sanctuary) <Max: 59 people> • English congregation: 11:15 am (Chapel) <Max: 22 people> The registration will be available from Thursday 10 am to Saturday 12pm for corresponding Sunday service (The below links are…

Sunday Bulletin

Please click on the below link to access the bulletin for the upcoming Sunday Worship: 101021E

Children’s Ministry

a. Children’s Sunday School is held at 9:15am or 11:15am downstairs in room B10. If children cannot join the physical class, they can use Zoom to join the class. 9:15am (In person only) 11:15am Zoom and In person class Meeting ID: 880 2199 6139 Passcode: 111222 b. Every Wednesday from 4 pm to 4:45…