ECB News Flash (September 14, 2021): a. Church administrative secretary Mrs. Jackie Yau has announced her retirement from her role with the church office. The ECB thanks her for her many years of service and wish her a happy retirement. b. All laminate flooring replacement and interior painting work in the church is now complete….

Children’s Ministry

a. The new semester of Children’s Sunday School is held at 9:15am or 11:15am downstairs in room B10. If children cannot join the physical class, they can use Zoom to join the class. 9:15am (In person only) 11:15am Zoom and In person class y9TcGV3WEtIM1Q4dz09 Meeting ID: 880 2199 6139 Passcode: 111222 b. Every Wednesday…

In-Person Worship

Here is the information for the in-person services on Sunday: • Cantonese congregation: 9:15am (Sanctuary) <Max: 59 people> • Mandarin congregation: 11:15am (Sanctuary) <Max: 59 people> • English congregation: 11:15 am (Chapel) <Max: 22 people> Brothers and sisters who participate in physical worship, please register on Eventbrite and fill in the health declaration. You can…