Outdoor Gathering at MCCC

Fellowships from all congregations are welcome to use the outdoor space at the church for gatherings this summer. Currently a maximum of 50 people. Fellowships having outdoor meetings on church property must: i. Contact the church office to book the space ii. When booking, notify the church office of a responsible person in the fellowship…

English Congregation News

English Congregation will be planning an outdoor service on August 8th from 3:30pm-5:00pm. The plan is to gather outside to worship and have a picnic together as a congregation. Updates will be given throughout the summer.

Children’s Ministry

a. Children Ministry: The church has hired June Li, Euan Ho, Ryan Jing, Julian Szeto as summer interns from June to August. Please pray for their ministry. b. Children Sunday school NEW CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL LINK: Elementary & Kindergarten Zoom channel at 1:30pm – 2:15pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87446920394?pwd=ZzdDWDVpSjY1U2IzdWU3RzkyTGVFdz09 Meeting ID:874 4692 0394 Passcode:123456