Outdoor Gathering at MCCC

Fellowships from all congregations are welcome to use the outdoor space at the church for gatherings this summer. Currently a maximum of 25 people. Fellowships having outdoor meetings on church property must: i. Contact the church office to book the space ii. When booking, notify the church office of a responsible person in the fellowship…

Children’s Ministry

Children Sunday school NEW CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL LINK: a. Elementary & Kindergarten Zoom channel at 1:30pm – 2:15pm Join Zoom Meeting \https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87446920394?pwd=ZzdDWDVpSjY1U2IzdWU3RzkyTGVFdz09 Meeting ID:874 4692 0394 Passcode:123456

Membership Meeting

On June 27, 2021, at 10:30am, the AGM meeting had a total of 159 members participating, representing 63.6% of total membership. The following motions have been accepted by the members: MOTION: 1. To accept the audited Milliken Christian Community Church Summary Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Fund Balance for the fiscal year ended December 31,…