English Congregation News

Good Friday Service will be online via Zoom at 4:00pm for the English congregation. All are welcome! Come out for worship, scripture reading and reflection as we meditate on Jesus’ death for us. Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169932764?pwd=UlpjWWFQOGM4L3pOMG56bUpQODZHdz09 Monthly Community Prayer: Our community prayer gathering will be held on March 28th at 10:00am via Zoom….

Children’s Ministry

Children Sunday school a. Elementary & Kindergarten Zoom channel at 1:30pm – 2:15pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83076193294?pwd=TEh2WitPYmEzVjJlRHdGMmYyazQxZz09 Meeting ID : 830 7619 3294 Passcode : 913163 b. “Wednesday with Pastor Tim”. It is held every Wednesday from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Join zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89876430166?pwd=ZDJSRkFNQ3lqenVNaTNBU0Rpb3k0QT09 Meeting ID:898 7643 0166 Password:688376 c. We are hiring…


ECB News Flash : (March 16, 2021) a. 2022-23 Deacon Candidates Nomination – The ECB has approved the list of nominees for 2022-23 Deacon Candidates. The congregational pastors of each congregation will contact the nominees for their intent to stand for election. b. Alvin Lee from English Congregation is applying for membership. If you have…