English Congregation Christmas Events

English Congregation’s Christmas Eve Gathering will be hosted on Zoom on December 24th at 4:00pm to 5:00pm. We welcome you to join celebrate Christ together as we virtually meet for Worship, Reflection and Prayer for one another. Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88907249364?pwd=Q2x0YmtwS3dR MG93NmNGMy9NUnBHUT09 Adelphoi Fellowship will be having a Christmas Retreat on December 29th from…

Children’s Ministry

a. Children ministry are now looking for visual storytelling videos teacher. Pastor Tim is eagerly waiting for your email or phone call of joining our team. Just send your email to mccc.timy@gmail.com or call Pastor Tim at 4167091313 to make his day. b. The Children’s Sunday School Channel will open at 10:30am every Sunday. Kindergarten…

Christmas Baptism

Mandarin Congregation will be performing baptism on 6 brothers and sisters in the Main Sanctuary on December 20 at 2:30pm, following social distancing measures. Please pray for God to strengthen the faith of the baptismal candidates as they prepare to receive baptism.