ACEM News (Sep 27, 2020) 1. ACEM 42nd Missions Conference English Mission Webinar – Oct 17 and 24, register now: 2. Due to pandemic, we are facing shortfall in missions funds. May we ask brothers and sisters to remember the needs of missionaries, missions organizations, missions projects and theological students whom we support. Please…

Online Worship

Cantonese at 9:15 am, English and Children’s message at 10:30 am, and Mandarin at 11:30 am. If you want to review the Sunday worship again, please go to the

Children’s Ministry

a. The Children’s Sunday School Channel will open at 10:30am every Sunday. There will be two different programs for young children and elementary schools. The program includes: interesting Bible stories, interactive hymns and praise, Pastor. Tim Yuen will be sharing. Parents are welcome to assist their children by operating the computer or subscribing. Kindergarten (…