Children Ministry

a. Summer Day Camp 2020 will be hosting virtually through online activities. The two-week camp . Date: 7/13 – 7/17 / 7/20-7/24 Time: 12:30pm to 3:30 pm. Deadline: July 5 ( Next Sunday) Activities: include simple coding and game design, art and baking project, and non-contact physical activities. Space: only 7 spots left Price: $30…

Online Worship

Cantonese at 9:30 am (will change to 9:15 am starting July 5th), English and Children’s message at 10:30 am, and Mandarin at 11:30 am. If you want to review the Sunday worship again, please go to the

Church Office

This Wednesday is Canada Day. All pastoral staff and office staff will be off on that day.