ECB News Flash (May 21, 2019)

a. Approval of $1,308 of the ACEM 5% Mission Fund Rebate to MCCC to support Rev. & Mrs. Luke Goh’s ministry in Germany (replacing Pastor Lewis and Felain Lam while they are on furlough) b. Our church custodian, Mr. Jing Chao Li will retire on June 30, 2019. A BBQ lunch will be held on…

Membership Meeting (May 26)

160 MCCC members voted in the Membership Meeting last Sunday (62.3% of the church membership). The following motions have been accepted by the church membership:  Election of Joseph Wong, Ophelia Lau, Paul Tang, Wilson Young and Wylie Poon to be deacons for the ECB for 2020-2021  Approval of the 2018 audited church Financial…

Pastoral News

a. Rev. Vincent Lee will be on annual leave from May 27 to June 6. During this time, he will participate in a STM trip to Outer Mongolia. Please pray! b. Rev. John Hua will be on holiday from May 28 to June 4. c. Pastor Josiah Tse will be on holiday from June 5-12.