Missions Department

a. Madagascar STM: This team will be back to Toronto tomorrow. Please pray for a safe trip. b. Indonesia STM: Stanley Hum, Jerrold and Abbie Wen from English congregation will go to Indonesia for STM from October 20 to November 3. Other team members include James Fok from another supporting church, Roland Shafer and Duane…


a. ECB will have its second special meeting for 2019 budget on Oct 2 (Tue) at 7:00 pm in Room 101. b. News Flash (Minutes for September 18, 2018)  The church will have 40 Days of Prayer starting in March, 2019. Please pray for preparation and training for small group leaders.  The church…

Facility Usage

CCCOWE North America will be using MCCC’s Main Sanctuary on Friday, October 5 for “The Mongolian Call” Mongolian mission sharing event. Languages for the event are English and Cantonese. All are welcome.