Urban Promise Summer Missions Camp

Urban Promise Toronto is hosting a Summer Missions Camp in August. We are looking for volunteers from Milliken to help serve and lead a group of campers for one week downtown. Please contact Priscilla Hum for details.

Afghan Refugee Family

i) They are looking for one-bedroom unit. Please keep them in your prayer. ii) The family will be moving out of their temporary housing from May 16 to 26 (within 11 days) and are still looking for accommodation. In addition to praying for the above needs, if brothers and sisters can provide housing resources, please…


兒童部將舉行一天義工退修會,日期為 6 月 22 日(週六),上午 9:30 至下午 3:30 在教會舉行 。主題是啟迪未來:教會社區中正面培育兒童成長。歡迎現正參與的義工或有興趣認識兒童事工的人士參加。費用全免,我們將提供早餐和午餐,截止報名日期為6月16日。詳情請聯絡阮仲謙牧師mccc.timy@gmail.com。