General Management

Fellowship and small group are reminded that if your group is the last to leave the church building, you are responsible to check all entrances, switch off all the lights, turn on the security system, and make sure all doors are locked.

Pastoral News

a. Rev. Luke Xie will be on holiday from April 12 to May 2.b. Pastor Farrah Ng will be on holiday from April 9 to April 12.


歡迎粵語堂Yuet Shan (Susanna) Wu (胡月珊),Chi Wai (Raymond) Lam (林志偉),Sze Hang (Sherri) Lam (林思行), Kin Hin (Kimy) Ng (吳堅獻), Kuo Men (Joe) Chow (周果文) 成為教會會員。願主賜福他們,並在神家努力服侍,為主多結果子。