News Flash (dated August 20, 2017): a. Part-time Church Secretary, Jackie Yau, will take vacation from September 25 to October 20. During this period, the church will recruit a secretary assistant, preferably knowing traditional Chinese typing. For anyone interested in this position, please submit resumes to ECB via pastoral staff by September 10. b. Christian…

English Congregation News

English Worship team: If you have a passion and interest to serve in our Sunday worship team, and has been baptized or plan to be baptized this year, please speak to Pastor Vincent or Pastor Josiah. ESL: The new Fall ESL class will start on September 9th (Sat) at 10:00 am. There is no fee…


a. 崇拜聚會結束後,教會備有茶點供應。請弟兄姐妹及新朋友移步到禮 堂前廊,共同享用、交友聯誼、共沐主恩。 b. 堂委會:已改於昨天下午1:30 開會,商討2018 財政預算及事工。 c. 祈禱會﹕每週四晚上7:30 在B1 及101 室進行,盼望大家來一起禱告, 以禱告為教會守望。 d. 香柏/嘉年團契﹕9 月28 日(週四)聚會改為9 月21 日(週四) 與燃動金齡 “觀鳥活動”合併舉行,請弟兄姐妹留意。 e. 主日學:2017 年第三季成人主日學將於9 月10 日開課,請兄姊踴躍參 加,齊來學習主的話語。