Information Session on New Ontario Sexual Education Curriculum

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The once halted Ontario Sexual Education Curriculum is now resubmitted for
review, and has stirred up questions about the content and many other
concerns. Parents are invited to attend any of the following info
sessions to find out more about the debate and consultation process as
well as possible follow up actions:
a) Date: Dec 11, 7:30 p.m., Conducted in English
Place: RHCCC [9670 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill]
Speaker: Rev. Dominic Tse (Jubilee Centre for Christian Social Action)
b) Date: Dec 13, 2:00 p.m., Conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin
Place: TCCC Gibson Centre [105 Gibson Drive, Markham]
Speakers: Rev. Dominic Tse & Billy Pang (School Trustee of York