ECB News – for July 12th, 2015

Categories: Uncategorized

a. The MCCC 2015 annual filing of Form 4022 to the Federal
Government as required by the Canada Not-for-profit Corporation Act
is completed.
b. The filing of MCCC’s 2014 Income Tax Return and Income Statement
to Canada Revenue Agency was completed on June 29, 2015.
c. Henry Chuang has been hired as a full-time Intern Pastor for the
English Congregation. His start date will be Tuesday, July 21, 2015-
May 30, 2016. The search for a permanent English Pastor will continue
during Henry’s work term.
d. Rev. Andy Wong’s contract as full-time Cantonese Pastor has been
extended for one year. The new contract will come into effect on
August 9, 2015.
e. The ECB has formed a Police Check Subcommittee to coordinate
police background checks for all pastors and lay leaders serving in
children and youth ministries. Deacon Wylie Poon will be the convener
of the subcommittee. Other members include Deacon Henry Jing &
Mrs. Grace Cheng.
f. The ECB has passed the following principles for booking rooms at
MCCC by outside organizations:
– There must be a MCCC pastoral contact for every booking
– The filled room booking form will be kept in a binder in the church
office for easy checking, and a copy will be kept by the ECB
– The booking organization will receive a copy of the room booking
– All bookings should be reviewed and approved by the ECB
g. There will be NO PARKING at the MCCC parking lot during the
repaving work from Monday, July 27 to Friday, July 31.