Missions Department

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Mission committee would like encourage
brothers & sisters to remember our adopted missionary in prayer.
This week we will be praying for Rev. Tan Yone Cha and Mrs.
Susan Cha in Grace Haven Orphanage and Holy Light Church in
a. Pray for the evangelistic work in our village’s student center. May
God remember His own servants in the two pastors and other coworkers
who are involving in this ministry.
b. We are planing to open a cram school in the city of Lashio,
targeting 30-40 students. Please pray for the preparation and
remembering the two sisters who will be teaching here.
c. We give thanks to the Lord for adding more students and
teachers in our Northern Myamar Christian semimnary. Pray that
God will strengthen these teachers and give students wisdom in
d. Please continue to pray for our evangelistic efforts throughout the
northern Myanmar. We are trying to share gospels through
students ministry, and hope that through these young people,
their families will also be touched by God.