ECB News

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a. Our church received a total of $2,295 special offering in October, as a
support to World Vision’s relief work in Syria refugee crisis. Please
continue to pray for the political situation and people there.
b. Membership Application: We like to welcome Jiade Chen (陳佳德)
from Mandarin Congregation as member of MCCC. Pray that he will
continue to grow in the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
will bear much fruit for the glory of God.
c. ECB Meetings: ECB will meet on November 22nd (today) at 4:00 pm in
Room 101. All co-workers please attend.
d. 2016 Church Budget and AGM:
– MCCC will be holding an AGM in the sanctuary on the main floor at
3:30 pm today, where we will approve minutes of previous meeting
and accept the results of today’s voting. If you cannot attend this
meeting, please stay after Sunday service for voting. (A simple
majority of the regular members shall constitute a quorum. At least a
2/3 approval from the members present is required for the AGM
items to be passed. MCCC members are strongly encouraged to
– The voting motion is to approve the 2016 Church Budget as follows:
General Operations $ 827,785.60
Building Operation —
Building Expansion Fund Pledge $ 100,000.00
Total Budget $ 927,785.60