MCCC 30th Anniversary Celebration

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a.30th Anniversary Revival Meeting (Saturday January 14, 2017)
i. Cantonese and Mandarin translation from 3 pm to 5:30 pm in GSCC’s
Main Sanctuary, Speaker: Rev. Ricky Yung
ii. English from 3 pm to 4:30 pm in Milliken’s Main Sanctuary, Speaker: Rev.
Daniel Wong
iii. Children’s program will be provided
b.30th Anniversary Sunday services (Sunday January 15, 2017)
i. Cantonese early am service at 8 am, joint morning and noon service at
9:30 am, speaker is Rev. Ricky Yung
ii. Mandarin joint am and pm service at 11:30 am, speaker is Rev. Ricky Yung
iii. English service at 9:30 am, speaker is Rev. Daniel Wong
iv. Children’s program will be provided
c. 30th Anniversary Banquet (Sunday January 15, 2017) – The banquet will
be held at Century Palace Chinese Restaurant on Sunday, starting at 5:30
pm. Brothers and sisters who have bought tickets, please arrive by 5:15 pm.
d.MCCC 30th Anniversary Souvenir Envelopes and Stamps – MCCC 30th
Anniversary Souvenir Envelopes and Stamps will be sold in all congregations
starting on Sunday, January 1, 2017. The stamps are actual Canada Post
stamps and can be used for postage. Envelopes (with one stamp each) will
be sold at $10 and 12-stamp booklets will be sold at $40. All proceeds from
the Envelopes and Stamps sale will go to MCCC Building Fund for church
building expansion purposes.