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a. ECB will meet on December 3rd (today) at 4:00 pm in Room 101. All coworkers
please attend.
b.News Flash from ECB Meeting dated November 19th, 2017:
1/ In the Membership Meeting held on last Sunday November 19, the
church member attendance rate for casting ballots is 52.9%. Majority
of votes were cast to approve the MCCC budget of 2018.
2/ The church theme in 2018 -2019 will be, “Living out Christ together in
unity.” In Chinese, it will be “活出基督、同心同行”.
3/ ECB fully supports Pastor Tim Yuen’s preparation for ordination. A
correspondence will be forwarded to ACEM to initiate the process.
Please pray for Pastor Tim’s preparation in the next few months.
4/ Good Shepherd Community Church has decided to rent out their
facilities to a privately owned Montessori school, and has begun
construction of a playground outside for this purpose. Based on our
understanding of the Church Condominium Agreement, our ECB has
communicated to Good Shepherd our objection for such a rental