a. Membership Meeting – MCCC will hold its next Membership Meeting on
Sunday May 6, with voting after all worship services and a members
meeting at 4:00 pm in the Main Sanctuary. Items for approval are: 1) 2017
Audited Financial Statements, 2) election of 2019-20 deacons, 3) 2017
church annual report, and 4) appointment of public accountant for 2018
church audit.
b. Missions
The ECB has adopted Yue Gong (Steven, 龔悅) from Canadian Campus
Evangelical Fellowship as an MCCC-supported missionary for prayer and
financial support.
The ECB has approved the short term mission trip to Germany between
May 15 and June 1 led by Deacon Gary Dong, with members Deacon
Sheila Xu, Sherry Qin, Zian Qin, Rebecca Lee, Bernard Lee and Ben Ho.
A special collection to raise funds to support orphans in Uganda through
GO International will be held on 2 Sundays (April 15 and April 22)
The ECB has approved part of the use of the 2018 “5% ACEM Mission
Fund” rebate to MCCC in the amount of $5,220 as follows: Peter and
Elaine Yoon ($500), Lewis and Felain Lam ($650), Derek and Chantal
Chen ($500), Northwind Family Ministries ($500).
ECB News
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