ECB News

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a. Membership Meeting – MCCC will hold its next Membership Meeting on
Sunday May 6, with voting after all worship services and a members
meeting at 4:00 pm in the Main Sanctuary. Items for approval are: 1) 2017
Audited Financial Statements, 2) election of 2019-20 deacons, 3) 2017
church annual report, and 4) appointment of public accountant for 2018
church audit.
b. Missions
 The ECB has adopted Yue Gong (Steven, 龔悅) from Canadian Campus
Evangelical Fellowship as an MCCC-supported missionary for prayer and
financial support.
 The ECB has approved the short term mission trip to Germany between
May 15 and June 1 led by Deacon Gary Dong, with members Deacon
Sheila Xu, Sherry Qin, Zian Qin, Rebecca Lee, Bernard Lee and Ben Ho.
 A special collection to raise funds to support orphans in Uganda through
GO International will be held on 2 Sundays (April 15 and April 22)
 The ECB has approved part of the use of the 2018 “5% ACEM Mission
Fund” rebate to MCCC in the amount of $5,220 as follows: Peter and
Elaine Yoon ($500), Lewis and Felain Lam ($650), Derek and Chantal
Chen ($500), Northwind Family Ministries ($500).